12 min read

Modern Android Penetration Testing Lab Environment

Setting up a Windows environment with Android Studio to obtain a rooted Android Virtual Device (AVD) with a working Google Play Store and the ability to intercept HTTPS application traffic.
Modern Android Penetration Testing Lab Environment
Photo by nikko / Unsplash

Setting up a Windows environment with Android Studio to obtain a rooted Android Virtual Device (AVD) with a working Google Play Store on latest Android Tiramisu (API 34). Using Magisk and a module to install Burpsuite's certificate into the Android's system trust store to enable HTTPs traffic interception.


Mobile applications gained popularity over the last few years, especially when businesses adapted the principle of "mobile first". Therefore, securing those mobile applications became an upcoming task of penetration testers as well as security enthusiasts, bug bounty hunters and analysts in general.

To analyze Android mobile applications, two common ways exist:

  • Using a physical Android device
  • Using a virtualized Android device

Although having a physical Android device is great and may bring some advantages, the benefits of using virtualization is even bigger. As an example, to just name a few advantages of virtualizing an Android device:

  • Performance; hardware specifications can be adjusted on the fly
  • Reproducibility; lab environment can be spawned consistently on nearly any hardware
  • Cost; no need to actually purchase real hardware
  • Upgradability; no deprecating physical hardware that affects the maximal supported Android version in the future
  • Flexibility; you can easily spawn up a new Android Virtual Device with a different target Android version or hardware model

Due to the aforementioned benefits of using virtualization, this blog post will focus on a virtualized lab environment. In order to virtualize an Android device, two common ways exist that I am aware of:

When comparing the maximum Android target version as well as the performance of those two virtualization platforms, I would highly recommend using Android Studio. It is much faster than Genymotion and supports all latest Android versions as well as native Google Play Store support.

Genymotion on the other hand currently only supports the maximum Android version 10 in its "desktop" product. However, if you use their PaaS or SaaS product, the latest Android version with support for Google Play Store is also available. An advantage of Genymotion is its pre-rooted AVDs with native Play Store support.

Correlium is also great but not free.

Android Studio on Windows

For this blog post we will install and use Android Studio on Windows in order to spawn our Android lab environment for penetration tests. Afterwards, we will root the AVD with an automated rootAVD.bat script from GitHub and use Magisk as well as a Magisk module called AlwaysTrustUserCerts to import BurpSuite's certificate into the Android System trust store for HTTPS interception.

Installation of Android Studio

The installation of Android Studio on Windows is straight-forward. Just download the Android studio installation binary from the regular website and follow the installation instructions.

Creating an AVD

After successful installation of Android Studio, it either already started automatically or you can now proceed starting it manually. Upon startup, you'll be greeted by a welcome page and have the choice to create or open a new project.

In our case however, we will use the option More Actions > Virtual Device Manager to bring up a new window in order to create our Android Virtual Device (AVD).

Android Studio Welcome Page

In the newly spawned window we can now choose our Android model as well as the target Android version. We will use Google Pixel 4 as Android model and the currently latest available Android version TiramisuPrivacySandbox (API level 34).

Ensure that you select an Android model that supports Google's Play Store. Watch out for the Play Store icon in the table overview when choosing a device definition.

When selecting an Android model with auto support for the Google Play Store, you won't obtain automatic root access to the Android OS. We will manually root the AVD via an automated script. So you'll obtain the benefits of having a rooted virtualized device as well as a working Play Store.
If you do not need a working Google Play Store, you can also select an Android model that does not come pre-installed with Google Play Store. Those models are already rooted and you can just spawn an ADB root shell.

However, all Android Studio AVDs come natively with a read-only filesystem. So you cannot just copy a certificate into the SYSTEM trust store. You have to re-mount the filesystem as writeable first. Scroll to the end of this blog post to find commands to fix the issue.
Choosing a Android device with Play Store support
Choosing the latest Android TiramisuPrivacySandbox with API level 34

Finally, we can assign a name to our newly created AVD and optionally modify some settings of the virtualized device. In our case, we will name our AVD Pixel 4 API TiramisuPrivacySandbox and just click on Finish.

Rooting an AVD

To be able to intercept encrypted HTTPS traffic, we must gain root administrative access on our AVD. This is necessary for all Android versions above Android 7.1 since we must install our intercepting proxy's certificate into the SYSTEM trust store.

For older Android versions such as Android 6.0 up to 7.1, it was sufficient to install the intercepting proxy's certificate into the USER trust store which does not require root access. However, since we are using an Android API target version of 34, we must obtain root access in order to be able to install a certificate as CA.

To gain root access to our previously created Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android Studio, we can utilize a great community script on GitHub called rootAVD. The script automatically detects our running AVD and executes some necessary tasks in order to root the device and install the Magisk application.


Since the script heavily depends on the adb.exe binary to communicate with our AVD, we will have to ensure that the binary is installed and present on Windows. Furthermore, to easily access the binary, we will adjust the PATH environment variable on Windows.

Please consult the following StackOverflow answer and put the following two paths as new system-wide environment variables in Windows:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator
Adding the path to adb.exe to Windows path environment

Confirm that the added path works by spawning a new PowerShell terminal window and executing the command adb as follows:

Confirming that the adb command works in PowerShell

Starting the Rooting Process

The process of rooting an Android Virtual Device can be summarized as follows:

  1. Start the Android Virtual Device via Android Studio's Virtual Device Manager
  2. Download the rootAVD script from GitHub
  3. Execute the rootAVD.bat script by using the Windows cmd.exe
It is important to run the rootAVD.bat script from a regular Windows terminal spawned by cmd.exe. Do not use PowerShell or Windows Terminal since this may not work.

Ensure that your AVD is running before executing the rootAVD.bat script!
# download rootAVD script from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/newbit1/rootAVD

# chdir into the scirpt's directory
cd rootAVD

# list AVDs to update the upcoming script's output
# this will print the correct command for your target AVD version
rootAVD.bat ListAllAVDs

# root the AVD
rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

Commands to root an Android Virtual Device

GIF showing the rooting process by rootADV.bat

Your AVD will be automatically terminated when the rootAVD.bat script finishes. Restart your AVD manually within Android Studio and confirm that the Magisk application was installed onto the AVD.

Confirming the installation of Magisk; AVD successfully rooted

Optionally spawn an ADB shell and issue the su command to gain root access. You will receive a notification in the Magisk Android app to approve and grant root access.

Granting superuser root access to ADB shell
Successful root access after granting permissions in Magisk

Remote ADB Shell

If you want to access your newly rooted Android Studio AVD from another computer, for example a developer machine running Ubuntu or a Kali Linux VM, you will have to forward the TCP port 5555 running on Windows on

To do so, we can use SSH remote port forwarding. Ensure that the remote machine, from which you want to obtain an ADB shell to your AVD on Windows, is correctly running an SSH service. Then, establish an SSH connection from Windows and forward the locally running TCP port of ADB.

ssh -R 5555: <user>@<kali-IP>

Native SSH command on Windows for Remote SSH Port Forwarding

Afterwards, the TCP/5555 port was successfully forwarded to the remote machine (e.g. Kali Linux). Then access the remote machine and execute the following commands:

# verify that the forwarded 5555 port is available
netstat -tulpn

# kill local adb server
adb kill-server

# list available devices
adb devices

# connect to remote AVD
# Note: you must confirm the usb debugging popup in your AVD
adb connect
adb -s shell

# install frida-tools and objection on Kali
pip3 install frida-tools
pip3 install objection

# you can now try for frida
frida-ps -Ua

# or objection if frida is installed on the AVD
# to install frida on the AVD, you may use a Magisk module from GitHub. Just dowload the release zip and drag'n drop into Magisk app
# https://github.com/ViRb3/magisk-frida
objection -g <appname> explore

Establishing an ADB shell from a remote machine

Intercepting SSL Network Traffic

Upon rooting our Android Virtual Device, we can now go ahead and configure the AVD in order to intercept SSL network traffic. This consists of installing Burpsuite's SSL certificate into Android's SYSTEM trust store as well as activating the HTTP proxy.

Installing BurpSuite's Certificate

As previously outlined, in order to intercept SSL traffic we must install our intercepting proxy's certificate into the SYSTEM trust store of the AVD. Since Android Studio maps the /system path of AVDs as read-only natively, which cannot be bypassed or remounted as writable due to using a production image with Google Play Support, we will use a Magisk plugin called AlwaysTrustUserCerts available on GitHub.

Just download the ZIP file and drag-n-drop the archive into the running AVD. Afterwards, open Magisk > Modules and select the archive file from /sdcard/Downloads/AlwaysTrustUserCerts.zip. Magisk will automatically install the module.

AlwaysTrustUserCerts Module successfully installed in Magisk

This module will automatically copy all installed certificates of the USER trust store into the privileged SYSTEM trust store when an AVD reboots. Therefore, we have to install BurpSuite's certificate first into the USER trust store and then issue an AVD reboot. Please follow the procedure outlined by PowerSwigger to install the certificate.

Basically export the certificate as .DER format, convert it properly via OpenSSL and finally drag-n-drop the certificate into the AVD. Afterwards, go to Settings > Security > Certificates > Install a certificate from SD card and install it into the regular USER trust store, which does not require root permissions.

During my tests it was sufficient to export the Burpsuite certificate as .DER file and directly copy it into the AVD. The export format works natively and allows an installation into the USER trust store.

No need to convert the .DER file via OpenSSL to 9a5ba575.0

Upon installing the certificate into the USER trust store and rebooting the AVD, the certificate will be automatically installed into the SYSTEM trust store by the AlwaysTrustUserCerts Magisk plugin. This is an easier solution than trying to remap an AVD's read-only filesystem to be writable.

Confirm certificate installation into SYSTEM trust store by visiting your Android's system trust store:

BurpSuite Certificate in Android's SYSTEM Trust Store

Configuring the HTTP Proxy

With a root AVD as well as Burpsuite's certificate in Android's SYSTEM trust store, we are now able to intercept SSL network traffic of Android mobile applications.

Install Play Store App

Our to be intercepted mobile app can be easily installed from the regular Google Play Store, which is natively supported when a correct Android model was chosen previously. Just open the Play Store, log in and install your target application.

Keep in mind that some mobile apps implement root detection and SSL certificate pinning. Especially banking apps. These are active measures to prevent apps from being intercepted or work correctly when the Android OS was identified to be rooted. Feel free to browse the web to bypass those. Common key-words to search for are frida and objection.
Native Support for Google Play Store on now rooted AVD

Start AVD with HTTP Proxy

In order to intercept traffic, we must configure our AVD to use an HTTP proxy. This is historically done by modifying the Wi-Fi configuration within Android and defining a static IP configuration. However, we will utilize a more convenient way by re-spawning our AVD with PowerShell and a specific proxy CMD flag.

First, ensure that your BurpSuite intercepting proxy is running. It should be listening on a reachable LAN IP address, which you can configure at Proxy > Options > Edit within BurpSuite.

Configuring the BurpSuite Intercepting Proxy

Afterwards, terminate your AVD and restart it by using the following PowerShell command:

cd "C:\Users\$env:username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator"
.\emulator.exe -http-proxy <PROXY-IP>:8080 -avd <AVD-NAME>

Starting an AVD with an HTTP proxy

The newest Android emulator executables contain a bug that affects the http proxy cli command. The HTTP proxy cannot be resolved and you will se a warning in the logs as follows:

WARNING | Could not connect to proxy at :8080: timed out !

You can fix the issue by downgrading the Android emulator exe to a working release. A working version is Android Emulator (32.1.12) Stable. You can download it from the release archive page.

Now you'll be able to intercept HTTPS traffic of any of your installed Android mobile applications.

It was identified that Google Chrome 99+ will still throw a Certificate Transparency warning when browsing HTTPS websites although the certificate was installed in the USER and SYSTEM trust store of Android.

However, intercepting network traffic of Android mobile applications works just fine - as long as the app is not based on the Google Chrome v99+ browser engine. As a fix, install Firefox browser and try to open or browse links there.

The issue is discussed in PortSwigger's forum here. A potential fix was outlined here https://httptoolkit.com/blog/chrome-android-certificate-transparency/.


During the setup of a rooted AVD, you may experience unexpected obstacles, bugs or problems. During my tests, I noticed the following inconvenience, which I'd like to outline before you have to troubleshoot.

Fixing a Read-Only AVD Filesystem

If you find yourself in a scenario, where the AVD's filesystem reports back as Read-only file system or mount: '/system' not in /proc/mounts, use the following commands to fix the issues. This will usually come up, if you have a pre-rooted AVD and want to actively modify the filesystem (e.g. copying an SSL certificate into the SYSTEM trust store at /system/etc/security/cacerts/).

The following commands are not relevant or necessary for this blog post but might be helpful for some people trying to obtain a writeable filesystem in an Android Studio's AVD.
Common error of read-only AVDs
# start your AVD with writable filesystem
cd "C:\Users\$env:username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator"
.\emulator.exe -writable-system -avd <AVD-NAME>

adb root
adb remount
adb shell avbctl disable-verification
adb shell disable-verity
adb shell reboot
# AVD will reboot and adb shell will disconnect

# proceed with the following after successful AVD reboot
adb root
adb shell

# inside the adb shell
# remount system path as writable
mount -o rw,remount /system
# copy burpsuite cert from /sdcard into system path
mv /sdcard/Download/9a5ba575.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts/
# adjust permissions
chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0
# remount filesystem as read-only
mount -o ro,remount /system

Optional cmdlets to fix read-only AVD filesystem


By using Android Studio on Windows and leveraging a very nice script to root an Android Virtual Device (AVD) in an automated manner, we obtain Magisk, full root access and a generally modern lab environment for testing Android applications. Obtaining an AVD with the latest Android version, a functioning Google Play Store and full root access is no unsolved problem anymore.

Special thanks to newbit1 for providing such a brilliant automation script for rooting AVDs. Also many thanks to PortSwigger for developing and maintaining BurpSuite, which is imho the best intercepting proxy.

I hope you find my blog post useful.
